Press release via Onslaught - The Force (Official Fan Club)
"Okay Onslaught Army, here is one of the links where you can pre - order Onslaught's critically accalimed new album " VI"..!
You have a choice of Digi Pack, Standard Album, Very Limited Edition Vinyl in either Black or Military Green.. \m/
So what are you waiting for..??"
Digipak CD: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/cd/cd-digi/onslaught-vi.html
Standard CD: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/cd/cd/onslaught-vi.html
Black Vinyl: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/vinyl/lp/onslaught-vi-black-vinyl.html
Military green Vinyl: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/vinyl/lp/onslaught-vi-camouflage-vinyl.html
"Okay Onslaught Army, here is one of the links where you can pre - order Onslaught's critically accalimed new album " VI"..!
You have a choice of Digi Pack, Standard Album, Very Limited Edition Vinyl in either Black or Military Green.. \m/
So what are you waiting for..??"
Digipak CD: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/cd/cd-digi/onslaught-vi.html
Standard CD: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/cd/cd/onslaught-vi.html
Black Vinyl: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/vinyl/lp/onslaught-vi-black-vinyl.html
Military green Vinyl: www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/vinyl/lp/onslaught-vi-camouflage-vinyl.html