Who says second best band doesn't get anything...WACKEN METAL BATTLE CANADA is proud to announce this year's 2016 national runner up will receive the following promotion package from our media partner PureGrainAudio.com. ONE BAND TO PureGrainAudio.com THEM ALL! This year's WMBC 2016 Runner-up winner will take home the following promotional package (valued at approximately $3k) from our media partner and Canada's premiere Rock/Metal/Punk/Hardcore site, PureGrainAudio.com: - A video interview shot and edited by PureGrainAudio (Guess who gets to be a rockstar...) - A featured Contest of the band's choosing - giveaway of signed merch, music, etc. - A Free Song Download article that's featured at the very top of PureGrainAudio's Audio section for at least 1 week! - A Photo shoot with the band. Either a live show shoot or band pics. - One month free web advertisement banner on PureGrainAudio. |