Wall of The Eyeless is a two man Progressive Death-Metal project hailing from one of the world’s greatest Death Metal superpowers: Sweden. From the depths of some grimly titled studio (Endarker) they bring forth their rather impressive second demo/EP titled ‘Wimfolsfestta’ – in which Wall of The Eyeless look to step up their production and song writing skills. Do they manage? Most definitely – and then some.
As the title ‘Progressive’ has took some wild turns in the past few years, being tacked onto all manner of non-progressive releases, it was nice to see thatWall of The Eyeless took queues from great Prog bands such as Opeth and Mastodon - expertly combining them with semblances of In Flames, Soilwork, and even a little black metal. The result of this mash up is something that can only be described as Wall of The Eyeless, a seemingly flawless combination of excellent influences expertly melded with original ideas by project head SL. You have a fantastic blend of clean/harsh vocals which don’t falter at any point; guitar work which makes sense yet manages to experiment with octave pedals and warm solos; perfectly balanced bass and drum work (the bass hearable and the drums that aren’t obnoxious on the splash cymbals) – Wimfolsfestta is seemingly flawless.
Yet these impressive qualities don’t stop at songwriting.
The entirety of Wimfolsfestta’s recording was done in a mere 6 days, a startling feat considering the magnificent quality of this entire demo/EP. What you are receiving with this release is production values equal to or beyond some major releases – could this really be considered a demo with such quality? If so, I can only hope for the best when it comes to Wall of The Eyeless offering up a full release. SL and producer/engineer Magnus “Devo” Andersson seem to be an unbeatable combo for big-production sound – and I’m assuming this was all done with a meager budget as well.
Wall of the Eyeless and their demo/EP Wimfolsfestta aren’t worth missing if you are a fan of Prog-metal. In fact, with such a fantastic release there wouldn’t be any doubt that Wall of The Eyeless might very well pick the genre up off its feet if given the proper audience.