Recognized as one of the most active Chilean metal bands, Nuclear has always displayed overfilled live intensity along with a heavy skull-crushing sounding. Since their early days in the northern city of Arica the band proved to emphasize musical determination based on attitude and hard work. You can go to this link for everything Nuclear!
Alright, I’ve got that stuff over. Go to the band’s site and you can download their latest album, plus album art in full! Thank you, Nuclear! Here, let’s make it easy:
I’ve listened to their new album for just about half the night. It rocks! It’s awesomely professional! These fellas aren’t playing around. So I’ll talk about the video they’ve highlighted for listening on their web page.
Check out this video. It’s the essence of these guys. I loved the shaky camera effect. It shows just how rockin’ they are. And when I get my head bangin’ just right (took me a few views) it appears the camera is actually remaining steady. Anger, baby! I love to see and hear that expressed in Metal. This is some hardcore Thrash. Violence, chaos, war, and decay of society! That is what Nuclear is talkin’ bout! Did I mention this band is from Chile? Some of my favorite Metal comes out of Chile and Brazil.
As I recall from a film about early rock n roll in the US, a puritanical and obviously upset man exclaimed, “It’s the beat! It’s the beat!” Yes, it’s the beat! Damn right! And it keeps on going! Ain’t that what Thrash is all about? For me it is. I can feel and hear the doom and gloom, but instead of me being sad and feeling depressed, I get angry at all the crap that is not right! And it gives me cause to try to help unite us all in Metal Love! Nuclear captures this in a most excellent way!