This mourning doom duo known as Hymn released a two track self titled album. Hailing from Oslo, Norway (the same town as Magister Templi). This two piece juggernaut band consists of drums and guitars. They describes themselves as MEDITATIVE GARGANTUAN RIFF METAL, which is easily the most accurate definition to their sound. Markus and Ole are both talented and know how to distribute a total wall of complete heavy doom.
Their first track, “Holy Ground” clocks in just over thirteen minutes. Almost like Triptykon but heavier vocals. Throw in some Mournful Congregation instrumentals and you get these guys! Absolutely spaced out to this music, it’s easy to zone out and become one with what Hymn produces.
From beginning to end on their first song, you just feel a build up from the drums, in harmony with the guitar.
“Holy Ground”, wraps up and transitions very slowly into “Throne” gracefully. “Throne” is just as sludgy, with loud vocals vibrating throughout your speakers and echoing into your mind. It feels like a spiritual trip that you can’t ignore; your heart feels fulfilled.
Two songs is not enough, and I am absolutely thrilled to see what else these guys throw at us in the near future!