Western Canada's loudest open air metal festival FARMAGEDDON is proud to announce this year's line up for its third annual 2015 edition in Ryley, AB (80 KM East of Edmonton) from June 11-14. Farmageddon Open Air organizer Tyson Travnik comments: "I can't express enough, just how excited we are to present this year's lineup. We truly feel that Farmageddon is being recognized for the international and Canadian talent fans get to experience during an intimate setting while in Alberta's back hills. We focus hard on bringing people's favorite bands to the festival that very rarely make an appearance in Western Canada, and I feel that we've hit the nail on the head for 2015." This year's line up features headliners Grim Reaper from the UK, American bands Pallbearer and Incantation plus Canadians Into Eternity and Archspire along with many support bands from Western Canada. For more info, please visit www.Farmageddon.ca FARMAGEDDON OPEN AIR - Full Line Up: June 11-14 Headliners: Grim Reaper - grimreaperofficial.co.uk Pallbearer - pallbearerdoom.com Incantation - www.incantation.com Into Eternity - www.intoeternity.net Archspire - archspire.bandcamp.com |
Idolatry - http://www.facebook.com/idolatryblackmetal Villanizer - http://www.villainizer.com The Order Of Chaos - http://www.theorderofchaos.ca Samandriel http://www.facebook.com/samandriel Xul - http://xulmetal.bandcamp.com Aggression - http://www.facebook.com/AGGRESSION85 Ides Of Winter - http://www.idesofwinter.com Noire - http://www.facebook.com/NoireWinnipeg2 Odinfist - http://odinfist.bandcamp.com Tyrant - http://tyrantcanada.com Ironstorm - http://www.facebook.com/IronstormOfficial Kyoktys - http://kyoktys.bandcamp.com This Monster Won't Die -http://www.facebook.com/ThisMonsterWontDie Statue Of Demur - http://www.reverbnation.com/statueofdemur Sub Atomic Chaos - http://sub-atomicchaos.bandcamp.com Cryptic Enslavement - http://crypticenslavement.bandcamp.com Wraith Risen - http://www.facebook.com/WraithRisen My Own Chaos - http://www.myownchaos.com Altars Of Grief - http://altarsofgrief.bandcamp.com | The Dead Cold - www.metalarchives.com/bands/The_Dead_Cold/3540298763 Sleeping In Traffic - http://www.facebook.com/SleepingInTraffic Bleed - http://www.bleedband.com Awaken The Abstract -http://www.reverbnation.com/awakentheabstractofficial Leave The Living - http://leavetheliving.bandcamp.com Naraka - http://naraka.bandcamp.com Cryptopsis - http://www.facebook.com/CryptosisMetal Pinky Eats Brain Gatekeeper - http://gatekeeper.bandcamp.com Wive's Tail - http://www.facebook.com/wivestailmetal Citizen Rage - www.facebook.com/pages/CitizenRage/408722289229035 Viathyn - http://www.viathyn.com The Difficult Brown - http://www.facebook.com/difficultbrown False Flag - http://falseflagmusic.bandcamp.com With Malice - http://withmalice.bandcamp.com Korperlose Stemme - http://www.facebook.com/KorperloseStimmeMetal Valyria - http://valyriansteelcanada.bandcamp.com Lylia Chorosive - http://chorosive.com Chalie Vegas - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bodacious-Burlesque/336953206405255 Alice Asphyxia - http://www.facebook.com/alice.asphyxia Ivy Voltage - http://www.modelmayhem.com/2036308 |
Upon online purchase, tickets will be mailed out, starting March 1, 2015 until May 1, 2015. They will also be available at the following locations during the same dates:
The Rendezvous Pub (Edmonton) Blackbyrd Music (Edmonton) Revolver Records (Edmonton) The Soundhouse Guitar & Record Shop (Red Deer) Lord Nelson’s Bar and Grill (Calgary) Or call Excalibur Productions at 780-245-0849 to arrange delivery! After May 1, 2015, all tickets purchased online will be redeemable at the festival gates. Please make sure you have your ID, and a receipt of purchase for confirmation. Volunteer Application - www.farmageddon.ca/volunteer Pre-Sale Tickets - www.farmageddon.ca/tickets Video Teaser - www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNWDl13kWQo |