Halloween may be about putting on a costume and trick or treating around your city block, but in Red Deer, AB it’s about so much more. The rumours in the area describe a mass pilgrimage, a collective gathering from across Alberta and beyond, a zombie mosh pit coming alive. Are the rumours true…? Well during the Days of The Dead Fest, a Heavy Metal Music Festival Costume Party Extravaganza takes over! Founded in 2014 by local Red Deer resident and music scene contributor Justin Shadows of Shadows Productions plus vocalist of town favourites Leave The Living, DAYS OF THE DEAD Fest celebrates the heavy sounds of metal, punk and hardcore along with the ritual of transforming yourself in to another character during the Halloween weekend in October. Shadows explains. “At first it was an excuse for a costume party with the bands I’ve developed friendships with, but has gradually changed into something that I feel Red Deer deserves to call its own. The crowds here are so supportive and I love giving them a gigantic event they can look forward to. Days of The Dead came to be because the first year we held it, the festival fell on the Day of the Dead – November 1st.” |
Now in its 4th year, Days of The Dead has grown from a two day event hosting 15 bands for both all ages and 18+ to a three night reunion of friends, music fans and a Halloween aficionados.
“I want it almost to feel like a family reunion, where you come and see friends you haven’t seen in a while and even if you’re new, you feel welcomed with open arms.” says Shadows.
This 2017 festivities will be held with over 30 bands for a weekend of heavy metal bonding, friendship, family, music, and love on October 27th & 28th at The Vat for the 18+ shows and on the 29th their all ages event at the International Beer Haus.
For more info, please visit: www.facebook.com/DaysOfTheDeadRD/
“I want it almost to feel like a family reunion, where you come and see friends you haven’t seen in a while and even if you’re new, you feel welcomed with open arms.” says Shadows.
This 2017 festivities will be held with over 30 bands for a weekend of heavy metal bonding, friendship, family, music, and love on October 27th & 28th at The Vat for the 18+ shows and on the 29th their all ages event at the International Beer Haus.
For more info, please visit: www.facebook.com/DaysOfTheDeadRD/
Gigfly.ca – http://www.gigfly.ca
Absolute Underground Mag – https://www.facebook.com/AbsoluteUndergroundTV/
Broken Neck Radio – http://www.brokenneckradio.com
Canada’s Extreme Metal Radio – http://www.cemr.ca
Crown of Viserys – http://www.crownofviserys.com
PureGrainAudio – http://www.puregrainaudio.com
Pure Rock Radio – http://www.purerockradio.net
Metal Master Kingdom – http://www.metalmasterkingdom.com
Kat’s Metal Litter Box – http://www.katsmetallitterbox.com/
Gigfly.ca – http://www.gigfly.ca
Absolute Underground Mag – https://www.facebook.com/AbsoluteUndergroundTV/
Broken Neck Radio – http://www.brokenneckradio.com
Canada’s Extreme Metal Radio – http://www.cemr.ca
Crown of Viserys – http://www.crownofviserys.com
PureGrainAudio – http://www.puregrainaudio.com
Pure Rock Radio – http://www.purerockradio.net
Metal Master Kingdom – http://www.metalmasterkingdom.com
Kat’s Metal Litter Box – http://www.katsmetallitterbox.com/